A project on legal and mediation services across Europe

Supporting you in legal issues in Poland & Greece

Law Across EU is a project powered by a network of independent lawyers providing legal & mediation services across Greek, Polish and EU law. Our members offer to their clients a professional approach in litigation, negotiations and alternative, out of court, dispute resolutions.

Law Across EU to project bazujący na sieci niezależnych prawników świadczących usługi prawne i mediacyjne w zakresie prawa Greckiego, Polskiego i prawa Unii Europejskiej . Nasi członkowie oferują swoim Klientom profesjonalne wsparcie w sporach sądowych, negocjacjach i alternatywnych , pozasądowych formach rozwiązywania sporów.

To Law Across EU αποτελεί ένα εγχείρημα, με την υποστήριξη ενός δικτύου ανεξάρτητων δικηγόρων, για την παροχή νομικών υπηρεσιών και υπηρεσιών διαμεσολάβησης δια μέσου των διατάξεων του ελληνικού, του πολωνικού και του ευρωπαϊκού δικαίου. Τα μέλη μας προσφέρουν, με επαγγελματισμό, στους πελάτες τους, τη δυνατότητα δικαστικής εκπροσώπηση, διαπραγματεύσεων και εναλλακτικών μορφών εξωδικαστικής επίλυσης διαφορών.

Court Representation & Legal Advice

- Representing clients before the court and administrative bodies & legal consulting. - For both companies and individuals involved in civil and commercial relations in Poland, Greece and the European Union. - Expertise in civil, corporate & commercial law, law of contracts, personal data protection law (support of companies in GDPR compliance), e-commerce/conducting business online and intellectual property, also with elements of international law and cross-border legal issues.

Alternative Dispute Resolution - Mediation

- Mediation offered by professional, independent, impartial mediators providing often quicker, confidential and alternative method of trying to reach an enforceable agreement in legal disputes, without going to the court. - Available also online within the limits provided by law. - Mediation in various languages (especially English, Greek, Polish).

Other services: professional translations and trainings

We offer also: - official translations from Polish into Greek or English, from Greek into Polish or English, from English into Polish or Greek - dedicated trainings tailored to the companies' needs regarding GDPR and personal data protection as well as e-commerce/conducting business online.

Members of the Greek - Polish Chamber of Trade & Investment

The Greek-Polish Chamber of Trade & Investment is seated in Thessaloniki, Greece and among its members are companies involved in international business and bilateral trade between Poland and Greece. In affiliation with the Chamber we are always willing and available to provide legal and mediation services to its members.

Anna Kaczyńska

Attorney at law - Mediator (registered in Poland)

Anna Kaczyńska is an attorney at law, member of Okręgowa Izba Radców Prawnych w Łodzi (Regional Chamber of Attorneys at Law in Łodż, Poland), former member of the Bar Association of Thessaloniki, Greece and AEA-EAL (Association Européenne des Avocats – European Association of Lawyers), and a mediator.

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Simos Chatziaristeras

LL.B., Cert., LL.M., LL.D.(c), Advocate appointed at the Supreme Court - Mediator (registered in Greece)

Simos Chatziaristeras is an advocate, appointed at the Supreme Civil & Criminal Court of Greece, member of the Thessaloniki Bar Association and accredited civil - commercial mediator in Greece.

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  • Tsimiski 17 Thessaloniki 54624 Greece