Anna Kaczyńska is an attorney at law, member of Okręgowa Izba Radców Prawnych w Łodzi (Regional Chamber of Attorneys at Law in Łodż, Poland), former member of the Bar Association of Thessaloniki, Greece and AEA-EAL (Association Européenne des Avocats – European Association of Lawyers), and a mediator.
I graduated from the Faculty of Law and Administration of University of Łódź. I completed my degree in law in 2010 by defending the master thesis at the Jean Monnet Chair of European Constitutional Law.
In the years 2007-2008 I studied law at Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour in Pau (France, Aquitaine). Subsequently, I pursued the Bar training in the Regional Chamber of Legal Advisers (Attorneys at law) in Łódź (2012-2014); I have also gained professional experience while training in Courts, in Public Prosecutor’s Office, and in the Tax Office. Having passed the state Bar examination in 2015, I acquired a professional title of a legal adviser, I took the oath and was called to the Bar (No: ŁD-2034). Before and during my Bar training and also later on, as a legal adviser, I cooperated with reputable law offices both of an advocate and of a legal adviser. Thanks to that I could practise a variety of legal areas especially the civil law (including protection of personal rights, claims for compensation, contract law, inheritance and family law), economic, business and commercial law, medical law, bankruptcy law, intellectual property law, labour and social security law, administrative law and personal data protection law. I represented Clients (individual Clients, enterprises, and healthcare providers) in Courts in many litigation proceedings. I have also gained experience in providing an ongoing legal services to the entrepreneurs including commercial companies, also multinational ones and those with foreign capital.
I regularly participated in specialised legal conferences and trainings in order to constantly broaden my competences and thus to ensure the Clients receive the most reliable legal support. I was also a member of AEA-EAL (Association Européenne des Avocats – European Association of Lawyers) with its seat in Bruxelles and I am a certified mediator.
Communication in foreign languages is currently also an important professional skill while providing legal services. That is why the knowledge of foreign languages has become one of my priorities too. A good command of English and French enable me to provide legal support in these languages. Besides my law studies, I also graduated from the Chair of French Studies of the University of Łódź, where I developed my language skills of French and English and competences in linguistics, translation and interpreting. Realising the program of these studies I also participated in training in Institut d’Etudes Françaises pour Etudiants Etrangers at the French University in Pau. I defended my master thesis in the Chair of French Literature. Currently I am also learning Greek language.
Law is the art of combining and using multiple competences and skills, above all the profound and constantly broaden legal knowledge but also faculties of analysis, interpretation and argumentation. It is the art of logic and strategy, the art of speech. I believe that my multidisciplinary education and experience consisting of law and philology allows me to offer you the professional and distinguishing level of services. Inviting you to cooperation,
Anna Kaczyńska